Oddsmatcher not working?

  • The oddsmonkey one embedded into the MBB website…

    It won’t load for me, with the text “Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”

    Been like that the last few days

    Something’s broken?

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    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.


    I’m not seeing any issues myself, Richard.

    If you wouldn’t mind sending a screenshot to matt@matchedbettingblog.com, that would be great and I can look into things.

    Can I also ask which browser and operating system you are using?

    Thanks in advance.

    Richard 8

    Hi Matt. MacOS 10.15.7 (19H1715) using Chrome browser Version 99.0.4844.51 (Official Build) (x86_64)

    Also tried on Chrome browser on Android 12 phone. Not working on there either.

    I’ll send you a screenshot.


    Thanks Richard.

    I’ve passed the info on to OddsMonkey, so hopefully it will be resolved soon.

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