Targets for 2016

  • I only started matched betting existing offers around September. For 2016 I’m going to be looking to hit 5k…just wondering what other people are thinking here

  • New to matched betting?

    My Matched Betting Academy is the best place to get started. Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    elenasdad 0

    I’m also a newcomer to this game. Looks like 100 quid a week seems achievable though

    ListentoReason 0

    For somebody working full time £100/week is a realistic target and a very nice boost to the old balance at the end of the year. This is going to be my target, if I end 2016 up by £5K due to matched betting I will be very happy with it.

    Need to check what offers come up in the New Year of course but in January I think we are looking at two Bet365 £50 offers, which should account for at least £60 of profits, combo that with some other stuff and we should be off to a good start.

    Coco Popo 0

    My target is not to get banned from my favourite bookies, Sky, WH, PP, Marathon, 365 and 888Sport 🙂

    £100+ a week is good, depending upon what new offers we have.

    JDUBU 3

    Yep id settle for £100 a week!and like coco said to not get banned from all my favourites!

    Chappers1888 1

    I think everyone realises there’s a shelf life to this. I started 6 months ago. First 2 months rosy in the garden, then IIRC the e mail from coral. A couple more followed and the last month there 3 or 4 more gone. But hey, I’ve made 3k I wouldn’t have had.


    Clappers,did you do the summer headlines promotion with Corals.
    I did and ended up getting restricted.

    Chappers1888 1

    No Patrick. Never did that. The biggest shock was getting restricted from PP. I mugged bet like crazy with them. Was desperate to keep them open.

    JDUBU 3

    hm interesting how some people are getting restricted and they mug bet and others are fine and don’t even mug bet?surely its pure luck?

    Chappers1888 1

    That’s my take on it walka. Others will tell you different but PP were taking me for hundreds ( the money was going in the exchange ofcourse) yet still gubbed me . Was a shock. Don’t bother mug betting after that.

    RyanB 13

    Wouldn’t say there was a shelf life…Mug bet lose your bets you’ll be fine or at least lost a hell of a lot longer…ive been doing it since May which is 7 months? and lost Paddy Power (my fault for not mug betting) and boyle sport who ban everyone. At the moment all the big boys…WH, Sky, Bet365, Ladbrokes etc…all seem happy fingers crossed.

    Tony 12

    Leaving the mug bet discussion to one side (plenty of other threads to do that on!) my target for 2016 is to make £7.8k profit.

    That equates to £650 per month, which is significantly higher than my current monthly average of £500 per month.

    I think I can achieve it though, through a combination of having more experience now and also having the Spring and Summer hot spots (Cheltenham, Euros, Olympics…) to play through.

    I guess it will ultimately depend on what the bookies have in store in terms of offers, but I don’t agree with those saying us match betters are living on borrowed time.

    Starlord 1

    Target is £12k for 2016. Although that also includes casino and bingo offers. I think £500/month from sports offers alone is a very realistic goal.

    Happy new year everyone

    kjillman 1

    Averaging about £700 a month currently only on sports.staying away from all the casino offers. I find it all builds up £3 here and there with a couple of MBS each Saturday on the CH4 races.

    FF90 0

    A 5k year would be a dream , only been match betting for 4 weeks so still plenty offers out there for me to complete off sign ups alone.

    The fact it gives me an interest in sports without actually gambling is beneficial alone as its saving me £30 a weekend in mug bets.

    Would like to get a wee bankroll built up to try some sharbs as well.

    mike j 11

    i’m aiming for £700 per month, i would say that i could of made atleast £200 more a month than what i have been doing, i’ve missed out on a couple of opportunities due to being forgetful. Its also about picking the best odds, i was happy making £6 out of a free £10 bet, but if you spend just a few more minutes looking that £6 can be £7.50. The amount of bets we do, that extra £1-£1.50 soon adds up

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